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Card of training

Cards of training are used to set everything necessary for each individual training. These cards are consist these data and information:

  • ID of the training.
  • Name of the training.
  • Type of training - We already set up these types of training which each of them is special and has its own data to fill. These are - Basic, Regular, Operator, Professional and Development training.
  • Periodicity of the training.
  • Source of training (Internal,External or Internal + External).
  • Text description of training.
  • Validation from/till.
  • Last taken training - read only information.
  • Number of people who have to be trained - read only information.
  • Number of people who have to be planned - read only information.


You may add a name and surname of the trainers who will be training in next training.

Training’s providers

For each training you can assign name of provider if there is some and training is external.

Training of specific positions

You can separate trainings by specific positions as Operator, Toolmaker or Administration etc..

Training of specific people/person

Also you are able to train specific people/person same as training of specific positions.

Attach documents

For each training you can attach whole bunch of types documents. It means you can attach any instructions in PDF file or just photos or Excel tables. Our system is prepared for everything.

Periodicity of training

Periodicity of training is useful function as reminder for your management. In plan of training is enough to fill text box called periodicity - for example “Once a month”. After that every month same training will be created in your plan of trainings. With this function you will never forget for any of your training of your staff!

Training plan

How we mentioned little bit above about Training cards. In module training exists two major functions - Training Card and Training Plan. Regarding periodicity in your Training Card system automatically creates Training Plan with your data in your unique Training Card.

How to create training plan

In system we created button called "draft specific training” which opens the card of training plan and pre-fill all the data from the card training and pre-fill all the people who have to attend the training and that’s all by regarding of your Training Card - contracting training followed by capacity training room or the capacity of trainers.

Additional information for training plan

Into your Training Plan which is pre-filled by you Training Card you can assign place of training (training room, external company, etc..). Also we added possibility that allows you to make training to any machine in your factory, completion date and completion percentage and after all you can leave comment for training which could be instructions or after training any notes. Possibility alter training plan after training is on place, but you need necessary rights.

Table of Participants of Training contains few useful functions

  • Checked participant as participated by staff’s cards which is standard of whole IMESystems.
  • Checked participant as passed.
  • Deleting rows (for example: the planned 150 people, but just 20 people are going to participate of training. After training there is possibility to delete 130 people there).

Suggestion for the Training Plan

Next useful function in module Training with name “Suggestion for the Training Plan”. It is used to offering you applicable Training Plan regarding old Training Plans and Training Cards.

All training + Number of people

  • ID the training and the training title.
  • Date of last training.
  • Date of required training.
  • Number of people who were given training must attend on a given date.

One training + list of people

  • Performance.
  • Queue of tool crashes.
  • Queue of preventive tool maintenance.
  • Machine repairs requirements.
  • Molding machines failures.

Confirmation of qualification

If you require qualification to operators to work on machine, this will be you new favorite function. After first 33 hours of working on new machine (new for operator) system recognize and add new training also assign qualification for operator. Now is everything almost automatic. You just have to checked if operator is capable to work on machine and this just with one click on button “Attendance Confirmation”!

  • Operator.
  • Machine.
  • Number of hours what has done on the machine.
  • Passed Yes / No.
  • All training + Number of people

    • ID the training and the training title.
    • Date of last training.
    • Date of required training.
    • Number of people who were given training must attend on a given date.

    One training + list of people

    • Performance.
    • Queue of tool crashes.
    • Queue of preventive tool maintenance.
    • Machine repairs requirements.
    • Molding machines failures.

    Participate in training

    On every start of training our system require after each participants use their chip cards or login and password and with this assign themselves to training. Trainer has to check participants participation as well. This checking is for maximum accurate results on trainings.

    Window participate

    The window shown these data:

    • Name of the training.
    • Date and time of the training.
    • Place of the training.
    • Logging into training: user name and password or card for logging.

    Login system tests the legitimacy of users involved to the training.

    List of upcoming trainings and people

    Tab - "Scheduled Training" (according to Plans)

    • Training name.
    • Date and time of training.
    • Name and surname of participant.
    • Participant participated in training - Yes or No.
    • Participant passed training - Yes or No.

    Tab - "View" (according to the card)

    • Name of training.
    • Date and time of the next training according periodicity.